40K Tyranids

The guy lower right is me, when I see how many more Termagaunts I had to paint!
Here the page for my old Tyranid army, one of my favorites to play with.  I had this army from 2007 - 2011.   Lets start with the old WIP shots, Tervigons then Tyranofex, at the time the Codex had jsut dropped but no one had any models.  I decided to make some and crush face!
Before a Tervigon was a real kit, I converted two from 'spare Carnifexes' 

Termagants doing the ole "chest bursting" move from Aliens

A head-on shot, using custom heads from the plastic Trygon kit.
Tervigons painted, now to make two massive Tyrannofexes.  Kits werent out at the time.
Helps I was GW Manager at the time, for all the bits each one took!!!
 Enough of that, lets see some action shots.  These were taken at old GW Bayshore / St Laurent (RIP)
Vs Lothlann's Chaos Guard.

Speznaz-colored Valk's in bound to disgorge melta-vets.

My trygon pops out behind his Chimeras, promptly gets slaughtered

Suddenly Genestealers!

Chaos Basilisks (werent quite finished at the time.. ran out of Brazen Brass?!?!)

You can see I used a mix of reg 'Stealers and Space Hulk ones..

Diff. game now, at Wiking's old place.

I miss my old terrain too.   Vs his Noise Marines.

Those rhino speakers are the only thing I had left of my Iron Warriors army <sadface> after selling them to my friend Cal back in 2007

Here come the Terminators
No I don't remember how we let my Tervigon sit in that tower and spawn waves of Gaunts..... its been 7 years!!

Now just glamour shots.  I spent a lot of time on this army, I feel its my best PAINTED army, despite it not getting as many accolades as my other more crazy armies (Squats, Night Lords, Chaos Dwarves)
Enjoy the purple-and-white

Cant recall what these were called, Genestealer leaders, but they were made from Epic-scale Bio-Titan bodies and Tyranid Warrior torsos!!

So many Gaunts!  When I lived up north I had the time to paint these, not anymore!

Hive Tyrant with Lash-whips plus Tyrant Guard

Tervigon finished, with spare Gaunt glued to the base..

Tyrannofex.  These things never got their points back but were awesome looking..

..and were bullet sponges.  Forgot the Las-Vegas / Los Deimos Campaign sign I made for this T-Fex..

Forgot what these were called, but they could shoot through terrain..

Hormagaunts. so many broken blades on my move back from Northwest Territories!

Ripper Swarms.. another useless unit but that was fun to paint..

I took these to my last 40k Tournament

Hope they got a good dental plan!!

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